About Us……

Pro Musica is a friendly mixed-voice choir based in Lewes. 

Summer concert Sunday 14th of July at St. Andrew’s Church in Alfriston.

Winter concert Saturday 7th December at St. Michael’s Church in Lewes.


See the ‘Next Concert’ link above for details.

If you would like to join us, we normally rehearse weekly in term time at 7:15 on Monday nights at St Anne’s Church in Lewes. The summer term starts on Monday 15th of April. See the contact page for how to get in touch. 

Follow us on Facebook @Pro Musica Lewes

‘Come & Sing’ 

choruses from
Handel’s Messiah
and well-known numbers from

Verdi operas

An afternoon workshop for all singers

Saturday September 7th
St Anne’s Church, Lewes.

1.45-6.30pm including refreshment break
Under the direction of Sion Parry, with members of the Pro Musica choir
Participation fee £15

Convenient parking in council car park
behind St Anne’s church.
Call or email Sue on for more details  01273 962609