If you are interested in coming to sing with us, please use the email address below. It would be helpful if you could provide details of your experience as a singer and your vocal range (SATB).
You are welcome sing with us for 2 weeks before making any commitment. We sing three concerts a year and our rehearsal periods are based around school terms. In order to sing in the next concert you would need to join us before half-term. If you join after then, you may attend rehearsals only. There would be no financial commitment until the beginning of the subsequent term. There is no audition as such, just a brief ‘voice test’ by our conductor to ensure that you are singing in the correct register. We do expect singers to be able to read music. The ability to sight read is not necessary.
We are a very friendly choir and we set great store by this. Whatever your level of experience I know that your fellow singers will make you most welcome. Just email me on david@nicholson.force9.co.uk